Commercial buildings in real estate markets across the U.S. are an important puzzle piece in establishing high-performance building stock. Below is a collection of IMT resources that highlight energy efficiency opportunities in commercial buildings.

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NEO Realty Group Green Lease Case Study

Proving a Small Business Can Be a Leader in Green Leasing Based in Northeastern Ohio, NEO Realty Group is a vertically-integrated real estate company that manages or owns properties in four counties in the Cleveland metropolitan area and is one of eleven companies to be named a 2015 Green Lease Leader—a designation created by IMT … Continued

Energy Efficiency Finance For Commercial Buildings: Insights From Lenders

While innovative financing mechanisms such as Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) have garnered more attention in recent years for facilitating investment in building energy efficiency,  these niche energy efficiency products comprise only a small fraction of the overall commercial real estate loan pool. Far greater involvement from the commercial banking industry is needed to scale … Continued

Lender Insights Infographic

IMT’s new report, “Energy Efficiency Finance for Commercial Buildings: Insights from Lenders” illuminates that some hard work lies ahead to improve commercial buildings through the investment of energy efficiency. To gain better insight on what’s needed, IMT interviewed 30 commercial lenders across the U.S. to hear their take on the market for building energy efficiency … Continued

Roof and Wall Thermal Design Guide

IMT, the Polyisocyanurate Insulation Manufacturers Association (PIMA), and the Center for Environmental Innovation in Roofing introduce the Roof and Wall Thermal Design Guide: Applying the Prescriptive Insulation Standards of the 2015 I-Codes. This non-proprietary I-Codes Design Guide provides building designers helpful information regarding the prescriptive thermal value tables in the 2015 International Energy Conservation Code … Continued

Sustainable Operations for the Modern Office: Tenant Guide

Many of today’s businesses have realized the value of promoting sustainable operational practices. They know that exercising good environmental stewardship also makes long-term economic sense. In fact, an Accenture survey of 1,000 CEOs found that 93 percent see sustainability as important to the future success of their businesses. The top reasons to go green were … Continued

Sustainable Solutions for the Modern Office: Tenant Fit-Out & Leasing Guidelines

Moving a business to a new location provides a clean slate to explore sustainable design solutions that offer a host of benefits. For a business leader, it’s important to align a company’s economic, environmental, and social goals—an energy-efficient office space can help achieve this. As businesses think about moving to new space, it’s important to … Continued

New IMT Resources Examine Financial Benefits of Green Features in Commercial Buildings

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Katie Weeks Institute for Market Transformation 202-525-2883, x306 /   Primer for lenders and Washington, D.C. case study showcase the financial benefits of green building features, including their positive impact on building valuation. Washington, D.C. (October 20, 2015)—As high-performance commercial buildings (often described as green) become commonplace in markets across … Continued

High-Performance Buildings and Property Value

High-performance commercial buildings (often described as “green”) are becoming increasingly common in the marketplace. Recognizing this market growth, this guide aims to help lenders understand the valuation of high-performance buildings. As a companion piece to the 2013 primer Green Building and Property Value, this report examines the relationship between lenders and appraisers and how green features … Continued