Green leasing, or “energy-aligned leasing,” resolves the split-incentive problem faced by landlords and tenants in traditional commercial leases to allow both parties to reap the benefits of energy efficiency investments. Below is a collection of IMT’s green leasing resources.

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Green Leasing in DC

Commit tenants and landlords to healthier, more efficient buildings.

Landlords and Tenants Set New Terms through Green Lease Leaders Program

Winners of the 2020 Green Lease Leaders program, organized by the Institute for Market Transformation and the U.S. Department of Energy Better Buildings Alliance, show a path forward on cost-savings, sustainability and closer landlord-tenant relationships. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Alexandra Laney, Institute for Market Transformation, (202) 525-2883 X301; U.S. Department of Energy Press Office, … Continued

Green Lease Language Examples

In traditional leases, neither the landlord nor the tenant are incentivized to invest in energy efficiency improvements that can lead to high-performance properties that benefit both entities. However, green leases, also known as energy-aligned leases, help to break down barriers. This document consolidates a variety of green lease language options for more efficiently designed and … Continued

Overcoming the Six Biggest Hurdles to Better Energy and Sustainability Performance in Leased Retail Spaces

The retail industry has endured years of bumps and bruises from store closures, shrinking capital, and operational budgets. Added pressures from investors, consumers, and watchdogs who call out bad actors on regulatory and environmental misdeeds are leading retail companies large and small to change the way they do business. Forward-thinking companies are navigating this turbulent … Continued