Local governments and building owners can improve the performance of their existing buildings through a variety of mechanisms, from building tune-up requirements and retrocommissioning to building performance standards. To learn more about IMT’s work with local governments and building owners to address performance in existing buildings, check out our collection of resources below.

The Latest

The Future of Sustainable Buildings

This year marks the 25th anniversary of IMT’s founding. We’re beginning 2021 with an interview of David Goldstein, our founding board chair, and Adam Hinge, our current board chair.

Energy Operations and Maintenance Best Practices

High-performing buildings offer building owners and managers lower operating costs, potentially higher commercial tenant rents, and a higher resale value than traditional buildings. Additionally, in Washington, DC and in a growing number of other localities, buildings are required to meet energy performance targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Energy efficiency is a central component of … Continued