Building performance standards are the most powerful tools that cities have in reducing emissions in buildings. Below is a collection of IMT resources highlighting the benefits and high-impacts of building performance standards in cities across the country.

The Latest

How to Reduce Building Emissions and Center Equity: A New Framework for Policymakers and Communities

Framework co-developed with cities shows how Building Performance Standards can address city climate priorities and aid in promoting equitable economic recovery FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Alexandra Laney, Institute for Market Transformation,; 530-645-2539 Connie Umphress, New Buildings Institute,; 503-367-5767 WASHINGTON, DC (July 20, 2021)—To support efforts to reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emissions … Continued

Improving Building Performance From The Inside Out

The Hub chatted with Cassandra Mellon, Director of Architectural Sales at ROCKWOOL about becoming a Founding Member of the Hub, and the biggest challenges and opportunities she sees for the building industry.