Building performance standards are the most powerful tools that cities have in reducing emissions in buildings. Below is a collection of IMT resources highlighting the benefits and high-impacts of building performance standards in cities across the country.

The Latest

A Blueprint for Ambitious Congressional Action on Climate

Last week, the U.S. House of Representatives’ Select Committee on the Climate Crisis released a sprawling 538-page blueprint for climate action. The proposal is more ambitious than any legislation seriously considered by Congress in a decade. It calls for a price on carbon and addresses every aspect of the American economy, calling for a transition … Continued

BEPS Targets for New Construction in DC

Guidance on designing buildings that will adhere tighter energy efficiency and performance standards under DC’s Building Energy Performance Standards.

DC Building Energy Performance Standards

An overview of the District of Columbia’s Building Energy Performance Standards designed for commercial building owners and property managers

Understanding Building Emissions

This resource helps to better understand greenhouse gas emissions and how buildings and their operations contribute to those emissions.