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$810 Million Funding Needed to Achieve 90% Compliance With Building Energy Codes

Building energy codes are one of the nation's most effective means of reducing energy costs and cutting pollution, but widespread noncompliance weakens these savings. An analysis by an IMT-led task force of experts reveals an annual spending need of $810 million for compliance initiatives at all levels of government, including training, outreach, implementation, and enforcement. … Continued

Average U.S. Homeowner Costs 2007-2008

2008 Figure: EIA 2005 Residential Energy Consumption Survey: Energy Consumption and Expenditures Table US10. Average Expenditures by Fuels Used, 2005, Dollars per Household, adjusted for 2008 using BLS Household Energy Price Index. 2008 Figure: The Tax Foundation, Property Taxes on Owner-Occupied Housing by County, 2005 – 2008, Ranked by Taxes as Percentage of Home Value, … Continued

White Paper: Rating and Disclosing the Energy Performance of Buildings

With climate protection and energy security issues at the forefront of global politics, improving the energy efficiency of existing buildings is emerging as a central goal for policymakers. In the United States, buildings account for nearly 40% of greenhouse gas emissions,1 about half of which are from existing commercial buildings… (Continue reading by downloading the … Continued

Energy Assessor Credentialing Program Profiles: Commissioning (Cx) and Energy Auditor Programs

Update, 7/2012: See a comprehensive list of training and certification programs for energy engineers, auditors, and managers; in commissioning and retro-commissioning; and for facility managers. See also a list of HVAC technician training and certification programs. IMT conducted a review of professional certification programs in the building industry.  There is growing demand from local, state, … Continued