The Latest

Jamie Braun

Jamie Braun is a Communications Specialist providing on-site advisory staff support for Commissioner Davante Lewis of the Public Service Commission of Louisiana – District 3.

Louise Sharrow

Louise Sharrow is IMT’s Manager of Policy Design and Implementation. She works to design and implement building performance policies that achieve climate and equity goals.

Marshall Duer-Balkind

Marshall Duer-Balkind is the Director of Policy Programs at IMT, where he works to develop and implement policies for driving high-performance buildings, grounded in community priorities and technical rigor.

Alexes Juarez

Alexes Holguin Juarez is IMT’s Manager, Community Engagement and joined IMT in March 2023.

Diana Lee

Diana Lee is IMT’s Associate Director of Business Engagement. She leads IMT’s Green Lease
Leaders program.

Mary Thomas

Mary Thomas is Associate Director for the Building Innovation Hub, helping the local building community design, build, retrofit, and operate high-performing buildings in and around Washington, DC.

Yolanda Bonner

Yolanda is the Building Innovation Hub’s Associate Director of Building Performance.

Marla Thalheimer

As IMT’s Senior Director of Business Engagement, Marla oversees the evolution and execution of programmatic strategy and services that drive high-performance building adoption across the real estate industry.

Rajiv Ravulapati

Rajiv Ravulapati is IMT’s Associate Director of Government Engagement, where he serves to actively build and maintain relationships with IMT’s public sector clients in order to plan, propose, and implement equitable decarbonization policies that center community priorities.

Sarah Beth Kaye

Sarah Beth organizes IMT’s end-to-end grants management and donor cultivation processes.