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Chicago Launches First Building Energy Rating System in the U.S.

Cities are prime venues in which we can tackle climate change by crafting and implementing proven, common-sense building energy efficiency interventions that reduce energy consumption, save money, and cut back harmful emissions associated with energy generation and use. In this post, we take a look at Chicago’s new building energy rating system and how it … Continued

Setting Your City Up for Success at the Public Utilities Commission

This post is the third in a three-part series that helps local governments understand why working with utility regulators matters, what they can achieve, and how to set themselves up for success. Read part one here and part two here. In my last post, I talked about Montgomery County, Maryland, which engages at Maryland Public … Continued

Working with Utility Regulators: The Montgomery County Success Story

This post is the second in a three-part series that helps local governments understand why working with utility regulators matters, what they can achieve, and how to set themselves up for success. Read part one here and part three here. Cities across the U.S. are beginning to engage more directly with their energy utilities to achieve … Continued

5 Steps to Unlock Energy Upgrades in New Markets with Green Leasing

Since moving into Boulder Commons in late 2017, Rocky Mountain Institute’s (RMI’s) net-zero energy (NZE) multi-tenant Class A office in Boulder, Colorado (pictured above), RMI has been working to share lessons learned and increase adoption of advanced green and net-zero energy leases. While innovative efforts such as RMI’s have been raising the ceiling for green leases, … Continued

Celebrate Energy Efficiency Day with IMT’s Top Resources

What makes energy efficiency interesting to you? As IMT’s Communications Director, I spend a lot of time thinking about this question as it relates to me, to my colleagues at IMT, to our collaborators in cities, companies, and allied organizations, and to the people we seek to better engage on efficiency in the public and … Continued

Top Takeaways for Other Cities from Seattle’s New Benchmarking Report

Last week, the City of Seattle released a new summary report highlighting the results of its citywide building benchmarking and transparency program for 2014 to 2016, and the findings are encouraging. For example, consider these two highlights: Compliance is high. In 2016, the last year covered by the new report, 3,352 buildings reported, representing over … Continued

Energy Code Dispatch: An Update on Code Compliance in Alabama

Alabama has the second highest electricity prices in the nation. Better compliance with modern energy codes can help ease the burden on homeowners and provide a level playing field for local builders. Image: The average residential electricity bill in Alabama is $145 per month, the second highest average in the nation behind South Carolina. … Continued

Energy Efficiency: The Swiss Army Knife of Clean Energy

Meeting global climate challenges will require every tool we have. Energy efficiency is many packed into one. Image: From more frequent and intense natural disasters to growing electricity demand and costs, climate-related challenges are on the rise for everyone. Meeting these extraordinary challenges head-on requires an all-hands-on-deck effort to transform our energy future and … Continued

Small Business Energy Initiative Action Guide

This energy efficiency action guide contains helpful tools, resources, and best practices for chambers of commerce and small business organizations that want to help small businesses reap the immense benefits of higher-performing buildings.