Rethinking What it Means to Thrive in Real Estate
The commercial real estate sector can make buildings and people safer. Here’s who is taking the lead during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The commercial real estate sector can make buildings and people safer. Here’s who is taking the lead during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Increase indoor health while maintaining building efficiency.
The pandemic has changed the definition of a high-performance building.
Advancing sustainability and wellness efforts in the face of this challenging crisis can show strength and leadership while reducing operating costs, increasing building resiliency, and improving indoor health.
Every major shock creates opportunity for growth: we learn how to be stronger and better. What do we need buildings to do for people during and after this pandemic?
As cities pass new climate policies and investors demand that REITs change business practices to lower climate risks, firms should look to Nareit’s Leader in the Light Award winners’ playbooks.
Tenant satisfaction and employee retention help make a strong case for investing in a health and wellness strategy that aligns with energy efficiency and sustainability goals for commercial & retail properties. A couple years ago I was a long-time resident of New York City. Like many commuters, I chose to ride my bike six miles … Continued
In part two of a new three-part case study series, IMT and DOE’s Better Buildings Alliance highlight 2018’s Green Lease Leaders such as Federal Realty and TD Bank for including innovative health and wellness strategies in their green lease agreements.
Add a healthy and efficient building to your new year's resolution.
By focusing on the top user of energy in the U.S.—buildings—IMT strives to help people save money, increase property value and make buildings more affordable, drive economic growth, reduce harmful pollution and tackle climate change, and live and work in healthy, resilient cities. Our progress on this work is captured in an interactive 2016 Annual … Continued