Equity refers to consistency of outcomes among people, which is different from equality, which typically addresses consistency in opportunities. Learn more about how IMT’s work supports equity.

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Women in Energy Efficiency: Betsy Law

In this Q&A, Betsy breaks down the importance of bringing diverse voices and backgrounds to the table to create better policies and programs that benefit present and future generations.

Women in Energy Efficiency: Donna Hope

In celebration of Women’s History Month, we’re highlighting women leading the way on high-performance buildings. Meet Donna Hope, President at UHope-Consulting.

Women in Energy Efficiency: Sandra Henry

In celebration of Women’s History Month, we’re highlighting women leading the way on high-performance buildings. Meet Sandra Henry, Chief Sustainability Officer for Walker-Miller Energy Services and IMT board member.

Meet the Women of Energy Efficiency

In celebration of Women’s History Month in March, IMT spoke with women who are leading the way on high-performance buildings and the energy efficiency industry.

Energy Efficiency: The Swiss Army Knife of Clean Energy

Meeting global climate challenges will require every tool we have. Energy efficiency is many packed into one. Image: Unsplash.com From more frequent and intense natural disasters to growing electricity demand and costs, climate-related challenges are on the rise for everyone. Meeting these extraordinary challenges head-on requires an all-hands-on-deck effort to transform our energy future and … Continued

Commercial Energy Policy Toolkit: Green Workforce Development

IMT and ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability USA have partnered to create a toolkit of 11 policies and programs that local governments can implement today as part of a of multi-policy approach. The toolkit highlights successful local programs and best practices that governments can use to establish their own policy and program mix, based on local … Continued