Energy benchmarking is essential for understanding a building’s energy use and how it compares to the average energy usage in similar building types. To learn more about the benefits of benchmarking, check out IMT’s resources below.

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Overview of Utility Engagement Issues

This report was produced by IMT for the Pacific Coast Collaborative, which sets a cooperative direction in key policy areas of mutual interest among North America’s West Coast jurisdictions including California, Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia.

Added Value of ENERGY STAR-Labeled Commercial Buildings in the U.S. Market

Download the PDF to view the full sized image of the added value of ENERGY STAR-labeled commercial buildings in the U.S. market. Dozens of statistical studies have proven that commercial tenants, investors, and consumers are willing to pay a premium to lease or buy energy-efficient properties. Even controlling for other factors (like location and size), research … Continued

Catalyzing Efficiency: Unlocking Energy Information and Value in Apartment Buildings

Increasing the energy efficiency of America’s multifamily buildings could save building owners and managers, residents, governments, energy efficiency service providers, and financiers close to $3.4 billion in annual savings. Recognizing this, Catalyzing Efficiency: Unlocking Energy Information and Value in Apartment Buildings explores how governments and energy efficiency implementers could help these stakeholders better analyze and act … Continued

Transforming the Market Through Energy Management Information Systems

To fully unlock building energy savings potential through energy management information systems (EMIS), commercial real estate professionals need better education on what the technology is and how to use it effectively. Today’s EMIS market is saturated with products, leaving potential adopters in a state of confusion about which product would work best for them. This … Continued

IMT 2015 Annual Report: Printable Version

For more than 20 years, IMT has worked toward a future in which all buildings are highly efficient, and our progress toward this goal is captured in our 2015 Annual Report.

Putting Data to Work: ACEEE Summer Study Paper

Orignially published in August 2016, this paper was the precursor to the Putting Data to Work toolkit that was released in February 2018. Putting Data to Work: Using Building Energy Performance Data to Expand the Market for Energy Efficiency in Buildings An increasing number of state and local jurisdictions are implementing building performance reporting laws, which generate … Continued

The Benefits of Benchmarking Building Performance

It is relatively easy to make the connection that tracking and disclosing a building’s energy usage will promote energy savings, but in fact, there are many other benefits that go far beyond simply kilowatt hours. While benchmarking brings building owners’ attention to energy efficiency, resulting in behavioral and operational changes that spur immediate and low-cost … Continued

Benchmarking: Saving Energy and Money

Why benchmark your building? This infographic explains the benefits at a glance. You can also view it online, download it as a PDF to the right, or download it as a jpeg.

Comparison of U.S. Commercial Building Energy Benchmarking and Transparency Policies

This matrix compares the requirements of commercial building energy benchmarking and transparency policies in cities and states around the U.S. This document is updated regularly as new policies pass or existing policies are updated. It is part of a suite of matrices that provide quick, high-level comparisons of policy types across jurisdictions. Other matrices in this … Continued