Commercial buildings in real estate markets across the U.S. are an important puzzle piece in establishing high-performance building stock. Below is a collection of IMT resources that highlight energy efficiency opportunities in commercial buildings.

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IMT 2013 Annual Report

Taking a look back at 2013—which was a banner year for IMT with significant developments in each of our program areas—IMT released its first Annual Report. The report highlights key achievements in 2013. We are encouraged that 10 billion square feet of space are now affected by building energy benchmarking policies nationwide—a number that is … Continued

Creating Value from Benchmarking: A Utility Perspective

Across the U.S., a growing number of cities are unlocking a wealth of data on the energy performance of buildings in the form of building energy benchmarking programs and policies. By requiring large building owners to track and report the energy use of their properties on a consistent basis, building energy benchmarking provides a growing … Continued

IECC Additions, Alterations, Renovations, and Repairs Brochures

IMT provides several free brochures explaining how the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) applies to additions, alterations, renovations, and repairs to buildings. Both commercial and residential buildings are covered, as are special focus areas: Commercial Lighting, Residential HVAC, Residential Insulation & Air Leakage, and Commercial Roofing. We encourage builders and building officials to download and … Continued

Commercial Roofing Brochure

IMT provides several brochures explaining how the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) applies to additions, alterations, renovations, and repairs to buildings. Both commercial and residential buildings are covered, as are special focus areas: Commercial Lighting, Residential HVAC, and Residential Insulation & Air Leakage, and Commercial Roofing. We encourage builders and building officials to download and … Continued

2009 International Energy Conservation Code for Simple Commercial Buildings

Small commercial buildings (less than 50,000 square feet) make up more than 90 percent of the U.S. commercial building stock. Of those small buildings, most are considered “simple commercial buildings.” Many of the complex requirements in the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) do not apply to simple commercial buildings, so this compliance guide was created … Continued

Local Governments’ Role in Energy Project Financing

Driven by a need to foster economic development, create jobs, and address environmental concerns, cities are increasingly recognizing the need to encourage investment in building performance with creative financing mechanisms. Making the largest impact possible with limited funds can be challenging. However, cities now have an abundance of governmental and private sector tools available to … Continued

Green Building and Property Value

So, you are thinking about retrofitting an existing building or building a new one with green, high performance, and energy-efficient features. What is the best way for you to position your building from a valuation standpoint? Because these buildings are different, owners have had to change not only how they design, build, and market, but also how they approach financing and … Continued

Standard Bearers: The Excellence in Energy Code Compliance Award

The Standard Bearers Award distinguishes jurisdictions that are using cost-effective code compliance strategies that have achieved energy code compliance and energy reduction. IMT and GBPN congratulate the winners of the 2013 Awards. Read about them in the PDF and be sure to sign up for the IMT newsletter to stay informed on applications for the 2014 Award and more!

Benchmarking Case Study: One Franklin Square

This case study looks at the energy savings of One Franklin Square, a building in downtown Washington, DC, that resulted from energy benchmarking. The property management company, Hines, has made improvements since they started benchmarking, reducing utility consumption by 6 million kilowatt-hours per year. And those savings continue to grow. Over the last 18 years … Continued