Class B and C buildings make up a large portion of buildings in the U.S., from doctor’s offices to grocery and retail stores in your community. Below is IMT’s collection of resources that demonstrate how you can work with Class B and C building owners and tenants to optimize your city’s energy performance.

The Latest

Valuing Energy Efficiency in Manufacturing Spaces

Valuing Energy Efficiency, a new package of case studies from the Institute for Market Transformation (IMT), examines the financial outlay and impact of energy efficient retrofits on a range of building types across the U.S., to show that building owners don’t need a billion dollar budget nor a large floorplate to reap all the benefits … Continued

Valuing Energy Efficiency in Laboratory Spaces

Valuing Energy Efficiency, a new package of case studies from the Institute for Market Transformation (IMT), examines the financial outlay and impact of energy efficient retrofits on a range of building types across the U.S., to show that building owners don’t need a billion dollar budget nor a large floorplate to reap all the benefits … Continued

Valuing Energy Efficiency: Beyond the Empire State Building

Nearly five years ago the large-scale energy efficiency renovation of the Empire State Building in New York City captured the imagination of both energy efficiency advocates and the building industry.  The project, which was part of a $550 million entire-building remodel, was projected to save 38 percent of the iconic building’s energy and $4.4 million … Continued