SAVE Act Would Make Energy-Efficient Homes More Affordable
What Delaware needs to make widespread adoption of energy-efficient homes a reality.
What Delaware needs to make widespread adoption of energy-efficient homes a reality.
If interest is high in building energy efficiency in the United States, why aren’t investments in efficiency growing? Experts from local and federal governments, the private sector, and non-government organizations explored that question at a June 2013 Roundtable Dialogue in Washington, D.C., convened by the Johnson Controls Institute for Building Efficiency (IBE) and the Institute … Continued
The Sensible Accounting to Value Energy (SAVE) Act, S. 1106
In July 2012, a working group comprised of local utilities, utility regulators, building owners, and experts from the real estate, academic, and energy efficiency fields came together to examine utility efforts to provide building operators with better access to energy consumption data for their buildings. A product of the working group, this report identifies best … Continued
New survey highlights a desire for energy efficiency legislation.
Part two in a series about finding and negotiating our new office space.
A special kind of utility is helping reduce energy use in Washington, DC.
We need new office space, so it's time to practice what we preach…
Benchmarking policy design guide provides sample policy language…
In most buildings, energy consumption has significant influence on financial performance. Energy efficiency is notoriously hard for real-estate stakeholders to track—and easy to overlook. This fact sheet explores this important issue and details the highlights of a 2012 IMT report on energy costs, energy performance, and appraisal of property.