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2012 Guide to Energy Performance and Appraisal

In most buildings, energy consumption has significant influence on financial performance. Energy efficiency is notoriously hard for real-estate stakeholders to track—and easy to overlook. This fact sheet explores this important issue and details the highlights of a 2012 IMT report on energy costs, energy performance, and appraisal of property.

Using Technology to Improve Code Enforcement

Technology can be used to streamline the plan review and inspection process and improve code enforcement. See our fact sheet for strategies, challenges, and success stories.

Measuring Code Compliance

In order to receive American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funding, states had to guarantee that buildings would achieve 90 percent compliance with target energy codes by 2017. Subsequently, states have started to develop plans on how to measure and track code compliance. See the fact sheet for an outline of best practices for conducting a … Continued

Streamlining Compliance Processes

Streamlining is the practice of improving building regulatory processes to remove overlap and create more efficient administrative procedures. It can make building departments more effective at enforcing building energy codes, while improving customer service and resulting in financial and energy savings. See the fact sheet to learn more.

Recognition of Energy Costs and Energy Performance in Real Property Valuation

In most buildings, energy consumption has significant influence on financial performance. Energy-efficient buildings can create significantly greater net income for owners than otherwise similar buildings that are not so efficient. However, energy efficiency is invisible, and therefore hard for real-estate stakeholders to track—and easy to overlook. Now that wide segments of the market are demanding … Continued

Analysis of Job Creation and Energy Cost Savings From Building Energy Rating and Disclosure Policy

Major U.S. cities and states, including New York City, San Francisco, the District of Columbia, and California, now require building owners and operators to comparatively rate the energy performance of their buildings and disclose building energy-performance indicators to the marketplace. Existing policies are projected to impact more than 4 billion square feet of floor space … Continued

Energy Disclosure & the New Frontier for American Jobs

This report shows how a new kind of energy policy is creating skilled, export-proof jobs in cities across the United States. Under this type of policy, called building energy rating and disclosure, owners of large buildings track exactly how much energy their properties use. Armed with this information, they can make changes that reduce their … Continued

U.S. Energy Rating and Disclosure Policy Would Yield 59,000 Net New Jobs in 2020

An analysis conducted by the Institute for Market Transformation (IMT) and the Political Economy Research Institute (PERI) found that a rating and disclosure policy for commercial and multifamily residential buildings applied nationally would result in significant job growth, consumer energy savings and increased private investment in energy efficiency improvements. The analysis found that such a … Continued