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IMT Releases Case Studies for Strategies to Improve Energy Code Compliance

IMT’s code compliance experts recently completed five case studies that reveal low-cost strategies for local governments to improve energy efficiency in residential and commercial buildings in their jurisdictions. The case studies were performed in several states throughout the U.S. and cover a wide range of effective strategies that were successfully implemented. See below to download … Continued

Utilities and Building Energy Codes: Air Quality and Energy Savings Opportunities

Utilities are uniquely positioned to harness the energy savings from improved compliance with codes, yet fewer than 10 states have legislative or regulatory approval to count energy savings from building codes toward energy efficiency resource standards or utility-filed energy efficiency programs. This fact sheet by IMT and the Institute for Electric Efficiency explores the opportunities … Continued

CASE STUDY 1 | Third-Party Performance Testing: A Case Study of Residential Energy Code Enforcement

IMT’s Code Compliance Experts recently completed five case studies that reveal low-cost strategies for local governments to improve energy efficiency in residential and commercial buildings in their jurisdictions. The case studies were performed in several states throughout the U.S. and cover a wide range of effective strategies that were successfully implemented. In the City of … Continued

Chart: Average U.S. Homeowner Costs 2008

Data Source: Energy | EIA Annual Energy Outlook 2011 (released April 2011), calculated as the sum of residential sector non-renewable energy expenditures and wood expenditures, divided by number of households | Property Tax | U.S. Census Bureau, 2009 American Community Survey (released Sept 2010), Data Series B25103 | Homeowners Insurance | National Association of Insurance … Continued

Commercial Energy Policy Toolkit: Green Retrofit Financing

IMT and ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability USA have partnered to create a toolkit of 11 policies and programs that local governments can implement today as part of a of multi-policy approach. The toolkit highlights successful local programs and best practices that governments can use to establish their own policy and program mix, based on local … Continued

Commercial Energy Policy Toolkit: Lighting Upgrades

IMT and ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability USA have partnered to create a toolkit of 11 policies and programs that local governments can implement today as part of a of multi-policy approach. The toolkit highlights successful local programs and best practices that governments can use to establish their own policy and program mix, based on local … Continued

Commercial Energy Policy Toolkit: Submetering

IMT and ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability USA have partnered to create a toolkit of 11 policies and programs that local governments can implement today as part of a of multi-policy approach. The toolkit highlights successful local programs and best practices that governments can use to establish their own policy and program mix, based on local … Continued

Commercial Energy Policy Toolkit: Green Workforce Development

IMT and ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability USA have partnered to create a toolkit of 11 policies and programs that local governments can implement today as part of a of multi-policy approach. The toolkit highlights successful local programs and best practices that governments can use to establish their own policy and program mix, based on local … Continued

Design Professional Accountability Fact Sheet

The model in this fact sheet recognizes that jurisdictions have limited resources and that design professionals are the most appropriate individuals for ensuring their projects are built in compliance with their designs and applicable building codes. Find out more by clicking on the PDF link.