Benchmarking: Saving Energy and Money
Why benchmark your building? This infographic explains the benefits at a glance. You can also view it online, download it as a PDF to the right, or download it as a jpeg.
Why benchmark your building? This infographic explains the benefits at a glance. You can also view it online, download it as a PDF to the right, or download it as a jpeg.
High-performance commercial buildings (often described as “green”) are becoming increasingly common in the marketplace. Recognizing this market growth, this guide aims to help lenders understand the valuation of high-performance buildings. As a companion piece to the 2013 primer Green Building and Property Value, this report examines the relationship between lenders and appraisers and how green features … Continued
A Look At The Portrait Building in Washington, D.C. How can energy upgrades enable forward-thinking building managers to provide considerable value to both owners and tenants? This case study examines recent energy improvements to The Portrait Building in downtown Washington, D.C. as a real-world example of the potential gains. Three efficiency measures, completed for a … Continued
Homebuyers are not only increasingly interested in high-performance homes, or homes incorporating green features, but they are also willing to pay more for them, according to a this study from IMT and the District of Columbia’s Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE). “What is Green Worth? Unveiling High-Performance Home Premiums in Washington, D.C.,” finds that … Continued
For almost 20 years, IMT has sought out and promoted best practices to advance energy efficiency in buildings. We continue to work toward a future in which all buildings are highly efficient, and our progress toward this goal in 2014 is capture in IMT's 2014 Annual Report. This annual report provides examples of market transformation … Continued
In addition to allowing building owners to track and compare their buildings' performance over time and against peers, building energy benchmarking and transparency policies allow other market stakeholders and local governments to make smarter decisions and investments, reward efficiency, and drive wide-spread, continuous improvement. This white paper, which summarizes a collaborative project by Rutgers University, … Continued
This IMT report, through an analysis of current energy efficiency measures facilitated by the signing of green (or energy-aligned) leases, estimates that green leases have the potential to help reduce energy consumption in U.S. office buildings by as much as 22 percent, yielding reductions in utility expenditures in commercial buildings up to $0.51 per square … Continued
Dozens of statistical studies have proven that commercial tenants, investors, and consumers are willing to pay a premium to lease or buy energy-efficient properties. Even controlling for other factors (like location and size), research shows that green, efficient commercial buildings are more valuable assets than their peers. This chart details occupancy premiums of green commercial … Continued
Dozens of statistical studies have proven that commercial tenants, investors, and consumers are willing to pay a premium to lease or buy energy-efficient properties. Even controlling for other factors (like location and size), research shows that green, efficient commercial buildings are more valuable assets than their peers. This chart outlines rental premiums of green commercial … Continued