Making the business case for energy efficiency and high-performing buildings is a key part of IMT’s work. From breaking down the most common barriers between landlords and tenants to educating brokers on the value of high-performing buildings and green leasing, IMT tackles the real estate challenges that hinder the implementation of energy-efficiency programs into city and business sustainability strategies. Interested in accessing IMT tools and resources that explore transformative real estate practices and the results that can follow? Check out our finance and real estate blogs and resources below.

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Empowering Small Businesses: Energy Symposium Report-Out

Chambers of commerce and similar organizations are trusted thought leaders and primary connectors to small businesses. They have the power to effectively work with their members as well as key energy efficiency influencers such as utilities, banks, and local governments to ignite greater interest and investment in building performance and secure deeper savings in hard-to-reach … Continued

How to Choose the Right Energy Management Information System

Energy Management Information Systems (EMIS) consist of a broad set of tools and services that give building owners, facility managers, energy managers, and commercial property management companies the information required to measure, manage, and enhance building performance. When used in alignment with other energy management best practices, EMIS can lower a building’s energy use by … Continued

Building a Successful Green Lease Infographic

According to a 2015 study by IMT, green, also known as “energy-aligned” or “high-performance” leasing can save the U.S. office market $3.3 billion annually and reduce a commercial building’s utility bills up to 22 percent. Knowing the potential savings and benefits that  green leasing delivers, IMT and the DC Sustainable Energy Utility (DCSEU) worked together … Continued