Blog Posts

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Taking Data to the Next Level: Assessing the Impacts of City Benchmarking Policies

This blog is the fifth in an ongoing series exploring the findings of IMT’s Putting Data to Work project, a three-year effort to explore how cities and their efficiency partners can better deploy building performance data to drive action on energy efficiency in buildings in their jurisdictions. For more information, visit In this blog, we … Continued

Using Data to Drive Energy Affordability for Low- and Moderate-Income Customers

The Institute for Market Transformation (IMT) and the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) for many years have partnered on finding solutions for critical issues facing energy efficiency professionals. Most recently this partnership resulted in an event designed for efficiency stakeholders to look at different dimensions of utility data access with the goal of … Continued

Museums Embrace Resiliency

Whether they are historic landmarks or contemporary icons, museums often serve as engines of economic regeneration.

How to Increase Customer Outreach and Engagement with Benchmarking Data

This blog is the fourth in an on-going series exploring the findings of IMT’s Putting Data to Work project, a three-year effort to explore how cities and their efficiency partners can better deploy building performance data to drive action on energy efficiency in buildings in their jurisdictions. For more information, visit In this blog, … Continued

What Data from Building Energy Performance Policies Offers Utilities

This blog is the third in a series exploring the findings of IMT’s Putting Data to Work project, a three-year effort to explore how cities and their partners can better deploy building performance data to drive action on energy efficiency in buildings in their jurisdiction. For more information, visit In this blog, we look … Continued