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To Talk Climate, You’ve Got to Talk Data

Cities looking to reduce greenhouse gas emissions must design ambitious plans and programs with data at their core, and decide how to collect, analyze, and use the information to drive deeper carbon reductions.

Using Data to Visualize Climate Action Benefits

This staff profile features IMT alum, Andrew Feierman, former IMT Program Manager for Private Engagement, who discusses some of his current work with data for the TRASE program at the Stockholm Environment Institute.

Energy Efficiency as a Climate Solution

Energy efficiency is a cheap climate change solution that comes with many benefits, including job creation and compatibility with other key solutions.

Rising to the Challenge

To our partners, colleagues, and stakeholders: As we wrap up 2019, I’d like to pause for a moment to reflect on recent accomplishments and discuss how the Institute for Market Transformation (IMT) is approaching some big changes I see emerging in the decade ahead.  As many of you know, I was thrilled to step into … Continued