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Standard Bearers Award: Excellence in Energy Code Compliance

The Standard Bearers Award was a national recognition program developed by IMT with support from the International Code Council (ICC). Standard Bearers distinguished state and local code programs and building officials who were setting a precedent for energy code compliance in the U.S. These Standard Bearers assure the many benefits of adopted modern energy codes are … Continued

Energy Benchmarking and Transparency Benefits

What is energy benchmarking and why is it important? The core energy efficiency policy that IMT supports is the benchmarking and transparency of buildings’ energy use. Benchmarking means measuring a building’s energy use and then comparing it to the average for similar buildings. It allows owners and occupants to understand their building’s relative energy performance, … Continued

IMT Joins Home Energy Information Accelerator to Expand Energy Efficiency

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Katie Weeks, Director of Communications,; 202-525-2883, x306 Accelerator will focus on expanding energy efficiency in the residential sector. Washington, D.C.—June 2, 2015—The Institute for Market Transformation (IMT) is pleased to announced that is has joined the Better Buildings Home Energy Information Accelerator, one of two new Better Buildings Accelerators from … Continued

Valuing Energy Efficiency Retrofits

New case study series showcases widepread opportunities to strengthen balance sheets through energy efficiency retrofits.


Valuing Energy Efficiency: Beyond the Empire State Building

Nearly five years ago the large-scale energy efficiency renovation of the Empire State Building in New York City captured the imagination of both energy efficiency advocates and the building industry.  The project, which was part of a $550 million entire-building remodel, was projected to save 38 percent of the iconic building’s energy and $4.4 million … Continued

IMT in Negotiations for $1 Million from the U.S. Department of Energy

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Katie Weeks, (202) 525-2883, x306; IMT WILL DEVELOP RESOURCES THAT ENABLE CITIES TO BETTER ANALYZE AND DELIVER ENERGY EFFICIENCY SAVINGS. Washington, DC—May 12, 2015—The Institute for Market Transformation (IMT) is pleased to announce that the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has selected IMT for negotiations for $1 million in funding … Continued