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Benchmarking: Saving Energy and Money

Why benchmark your building? This infographic explains the benefits at a glance. You can also view it online, download it as a PDF to the right, or download it as a jpeg.

New IMT Resources Examine Financial Benefits of Green Features in Commercial Buildings

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Katie Weeks Institute for Market Transformation 202-525-2883, x306 /   Primer for lenders and Washington, D.C. case study showcase the financial benefits of green building features, including their positive impact on building valuation. Washington, D.C. (October 20, 2015)—As high-performance commercial buildings (often described as green) become commonplace in markets across … Continued

IMT 2014 Annual Report

For almost 20 years, IMT has sought out and promoted best practices to advance energy efficiency in buildings. We continue to work toward a future in which all buildings are highly efficient, and our progress toward this goal in 2014 is capture in IMT's 2014 Annual Report. This annual report provides examples of market transformation … Continued

Comparison of U.S. Commercial Building Energy Benchmarking and Transparency Policies

This matrix compares the requirements of commercial building energy benchmarking and transparency policies in cities and states around the U.S. This document is updated regularly as new policies pass or existing policies are updated. It is part of a suite of matrices that provide quick, high-level comparisons of policy types across jurisdictions. Other matrices in this … Continued

Guide to State and Local Energy Performance Regulations: Version 3.0

Worldwide, commercial building energy benchmarking and disclosure mandates are becoming more common as policymakers target the building sector in energy and climate protection policies. As such, policymakers are becoming more attuned to building energy performance mandates. These mandates are primarily aimed at existing buildings, which comprise the vast majority of the building stock and present … Continued

Case Study: Preserving Astoria’s Historic Buildings Through Energy Code Compliance

Astoria, Oregon’s Building Department hired Building Official and Code Enforcement Officer Jack Applegate in 2008, tasking him with dispersing the myth that older buildings cannot be upgraded or remodeled without incurring hefty costs. Local stakeholders needed to learn how preservation and energy efficiency could not only be accomplished while meeting modern energy code requirements, but … Continued