How Real Estate Can Lead to a More Just, Sustainable Future by 2030
IMT’s BuildUp 2030 Framework for the Transformation of Real Estate offers a path forward
IMT’s BuildUp 2030 Framework for the Transformation of Real Estate offers a path forward
The best way to lower energy use in commercial buildings is to replace inefficient traditional leases with performance-based alternatives.
An overview of key provisions in IMT’s model performance-based lease template
This model performance-based lease template helps landlords and tenants benefit from energy efficiency improvements.
An overview of performance-based leasing for commercial building owners and tenants.
The latest developments on the trend toward Building Performance Standards
An overview of next steps for Denver’s proposed building decarbonization policy
What empty offices taught us about building efficiency and the path the decarbonization
Boston is poised to become the latest city to adopt a building performance standard.
Building systems emit more than just carbon. What to cut now and how it matters for climate action.