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Benchmarking Case Study: Bank of America Fifth Avenue Plaza

Hines first began measuring and rating, or benchmarking, the energy performance of Bank of America Fifth Avenue Plaza using the EPA’s free ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager tool in 2000. It was an eye-opening experience. For the first time, Hines was able to compare the building’s energy performance to similar buildings in the Seattle area as … Continued

Introducing recool

An architecture firm creates an for the building sector.

Benchmarking Help Center Guide

Requirements for building owners to benchmark energy performance and disclose that information to the market have been passed in a number of U.S. cities and states in recent years. To help increase awareness of and compliance with these new laws, cities are conducting broad outreach, education, and training activities aimed at supporting building owners, managers, … Continued

Green Can Be Beautiful

An author makes the case that beauty is inherent to true sustainability.