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Meet the Small Business Energy Changemakers

Small businesses spend more than $60 billion a year to power, heat, and cool their buildings. By tackling energy efficiency, every small business landlord and tenant stands to maximize operations while improving the bottom line and creating healthier, more comfortable spaces for employees and customers. However, lack of time, expertise, and access to capital make … Continued

Energy Opportunity Scan Overview

IMT’s Energy Opportunity Scan helps cities gain a deeper understanding o how these market actors view energy efficiency.

How SBAM Uses Energy Efficiency to Lift Up Michigan’s Small Businesses

The Small Business Association of Michigan (SBAM) is using the power of partnerships with utilities to help its members across the state put energy efficiency to work. Here’s how the organization does it. U.S. small businesses spend more than $60 billion a year on utility costs for the spaces they rent or own. However, there … Continued

How High-Performance Leases Help Landlords and Tenants Achieve Sustainability Goals

This three-part blog series shares how a high-performance lease allows landlords and tenants to collaboratively achieve massive energy efficiency and sustainability gains while simultaneously addressing occupant health and wellness. The series is adapted from an article that first appeared on Click here to read the full article. In the United States, 50 percent of … Continued

Why Landlords Should Take the Lead On Installing Submeter Technology

IMT’s Landlord-Tenant Energy Partnership puts a spotlight on the top five reasons for landlords to install submeters, as well as successful submetering programs being implemented by real estate companies, and insights from leading energy solution providers.

Creating Alignment between Cities and Utility Energy Efficiency Programs

Cities are increasingly acting as market catalysts to encourage and require building owners to improve energy performance. However, cities implementing building performance policies that require actions like audits or re-tuning may experience conflicts with their regulated utilities’ efficiency programs, which depend on energy savings being additional—not attributable to market adoption or preexisting laws. These utility … Continued