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Comparing Building Energy Performance Measurement

This paper proposes a classification framework for energy efficiency evaluation tools by comparing 17 building energy performance assessment systems from ten countries. These systems include Energieausweis in Germany; the Ministry of Housing and Urban and Rural Development (MOHURD) rating in China; Energy Performance Certificates and Display Energy Certificates in the UK; and the Home Energy … Continued

Occupancy Premiums of Green Commercial Buildings in the U.S.

Dozens of statistical studies have proven that commercial tenants, investors, and consumers are willing to pay a premium to lease or buy energy-efficient properties. Even controlling for other factors (like location and size), research shows that green, efficient commercial buildings are more valuable assets than their peers. This chart details occupancy premiums of green commercial … Continued

Sale Premiums of Green Commercial Buildings in the U.S.

Dozens of statistical studies have proven that commercial tenants, investors, and consumers are willing to pay a premium to lease or buy energy-efficient properties. Even controlling for other factors (like location and size), research shows that green, efficient commercial buildings are more valuable assets than their peers. This chart details sale premiums for green commercial … Continued

Rental Premiums of Green Commercial Buildings in the U.S.

Dozens of statistical studies have proven that commercial tenants, investors, and consumers are willing to pay a premium to lease or buy energy-efficient properties. Even controlling for other factors (like location and size), research shows that green, efficient commercial buildings are more valuable assets than their peers. This chart outlines rental premiums of green commercial … Continued