How Cities Are Centering Equity in Benchmarking Policies
A new report addresses equity in benchmarking ordinances
A new report addresses equity in benchmarking ordinances
Cities are at the forefront of shaping and pioneering the best and most innovative ways to help building owners and operators save energy – and it definitely isn’t about swapping out light bulbs anymore. In this way, cities serve as catalysts and enablers for building owners that are interested in implementing efficiency into business operations … Continued
In addition to allowing building owners to track and compare their buildings' performance over time and against peers, building energy benchmarking and transparency policies allow other market stakeholders and local governments to make smarter decisions and investments, reward efficiency, and drive wide-spread, continuous improvement. This white paper, which summarizes a collaborative project by Rutgers University, … Continued
This matrix compares residential building energy disclosure policies around the U.S. Updated July 2015.
Benchmarking gives information, power to cities.
Benchmarking help centers to the rescue.
This graphic presents the relative sensitivity of energy data from utility meters, from the most private and sensitive (real-time, household-level) to the least sensitive (monthly, nonresidential, and aggregated).
Transparent energy ratings can help drive investment in energy efficiency by enabling tenants, investors, and lenders to compare building energy performance, creating demand for efficient buildings that have lower utility bills and/or operating costs. This fact sheet gives an introduction to commercial building energy rating and disclosure policies, now in effect in six U.S. cities … Continued
Requirements for building owners to benchmark energy performance and disclose that information to the market have been passed in a number of U.S. cities and states in recent years. To help increase awareness of and compliance with these new laws, cities are conducting broad outreach, education, and training activities aimed at supporting building owners, managers, … Continued
Within the past five years, two states and five major cities have passed building energy rating (or benchmarking) and disclosure policies that will affect some of the nation’s largest metropolitan real estate markets, including New York City, Los Angeles, Washington, DC, and Seattle. The energy performance of several billion square feet of floor space in … Continued