Equity refers to consistency of outcomes among people, which is different from equality, which typically addresses consistency in opportunities. Learn more about how IMT’s work supports equity.

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Community Engagement Framework

Learn how we collaborate with communities to ensure equitable solutions to energy and climate challenges.

CBO Grant Agreement and MOU Template

The Community Engagement team has collaborated extensively with community-based organizations (CBOs) to gather community feedback and to shape the way IMT works with communities. For many of our projects, such as our work with Poder in Orlando, Florida, and our work on the Community Engagement Framework, we have used this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to … Continued

2021-2022 Annual Report

IMT’s Annual Report captures not only the organization’s successes and progress from 2021-2022, but also recaps clear market signals that continue to drive action in buildings today.

Working with a Community Accountability Board to Co-Design Equitable Building Performance Standards

When implementing a building performance standard (BPS), jurisdictions must prioritize community collaboration and ownership. A Community Accountability Board (CAB) works with policymakers and administrators to review a BPS’ impact on frontline and fenceline communities. These are communities that experience the most immediate and worst impacts of climate change and are most often communities of color, … Continued

Community Accountability Board Infographic

Community-centered policymaking requires active engagement with residents long after a policy has been passed. A Community Accountability Board is a useful example for jurisdictions considering a building performance standard.

Short Building Performance Standard Model Law

This resource establishes goals and an equitable process for crafting building performance standard rules to support energy-efficient, affordable, healthy buildings.