Equipment standards ensure that building owners can achieve substantial energy improvements and cost savings in buildings. Check out our resources below for more information.

The Latest

Why Landlords Should Take the Lead On Installing Submeter Technology

IMT’s Landlord-Tenant Energy Partnership puts a spotlight on the top five reasons for landlords to install submeters, as well as successful submetering programs being implemented by real estate companies, and insights from leading energy solution providers.

Energy Efficiency: The Swiss Army Knife of Clean Energy

Meeting global climate challenges will require every tool we have. Energy efficiency is many packed into one. Image: From more frequent and intense natural disasters to growing electricity demand and costs, climate-related challenges are on the rise for everyone. Meeting these extraordinary challenges head-on requires an all-hands-on-deck effort to transform our energy future and … Continued

Retail RTU Green Lease Language

IMT and the U.S Department of Energy’s Better Buildings have developed this resource guide on rooftop unit (RTU) best practices for retail leases. This document provides lease clauses to facilitate RTU efficiency in retail leases for both retail tenants and commercial real estate landlords. This document recommends insertion of clause language into standard commercial leases … Continued

Roof and Wall Thermal Design Guide

IMT, the Polyisocyanurate Insulation Manufacturers Association (PIMA), and the Center for Environmental Innovation in Roofing introduce the Roof and Wall Thermal Design Guide: Applying the Prescriptive Insulation Standards of the 2015 I-Codes. This non-proprietary I-Codes Design Guide provides building designers helpful information regarding the prescriptive thermal value tables in the 2015 International Energy Conservation Code … Continued

2012 International Energy Conservation Code for Simple Commercial Buildings

IMT and the Britt/Makela Group (BMG), with support from the National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC), have developed a guide to help those with Simple Buildings comply with the 2012 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC). Though the goal of the guide is to make the energy code more accessible for anyone who is interested, the target … Continued

Establishing a Plan to Achieve Energy Code Compliance in Cities

Establishing a Plan to Achieve Energy Code Compliance in Cities, a new resource developed by the City Energy Project, helps guide U.S. city leadership and their building department leadership in working together to implement an effective strategy to achieve high levels of energy code compliance for new and renovated buildings.  The document introduces factors responsible … Continued

Commercial Roofing Brochure

IMT provides several brochures explaining how the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) applies to additions, alterations, renovations, and repairs to buildings. Both commercial and residential buildings are covered, as are special focus areas: Commercial Lighting, Residential HVAC, and Residential Insulation & Air Leakage, and Commercial Roofing. We encourage builders and building officials to download and … Continued

IECC Additions, Alterations, Renovations, and Repairs Brochures

IMT provides several free brochures explaining how the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) applies to additions, alterations, renovations, and repairs to buildings. Both commercial and residential buildings are covered, as are special focus areas: Commercial Lighting, Residential HVAC, Residential Insulation & Air Leakage, and Commercial Roofing. We encourage builders and building officials to download and … Continued