How Does the Federal Buildings BPS Measure Up?
The new Federal BPS could greatly impact electrification of the nation’s building stock. Amy Boyce digs into the policy’s aims and where it can go further.
The new Federal BPS could greatly impact electrification of the nation’s building stock. Amy Boyce digs into the policy’s aims and where it can go further.
Denver’s building performance standard emphasizes building electrification, provides certainty for building owners.
Electrification and clean energy require smart, strategic changes in how we regulate buildings.
This blog takes a look at the challenges for gas bans and what they could mean for the transition to cleaner energy and buildings.
By purposefully managing energy usage, we can better match the demand for power with the availability of clean energy
Understand strategies for electrifying buildings in DC.
This blog explores how efficiency and demand management can smooth over some of the challenges of the renewable energy transition.
Why electrification needs energy efficiency: part II of the “Efficiency With” building energy blog series.
Electrification is a key component of a comprehensive city decarbonization strategy. How can cities use building performance standards to advance electrification?
To achieve rapid, meaningful decarbonization, we need to shift the way we think about buildings and the role of energy efficiency.