Counties have the ability to implement building performance policies that create healthier, more resilient, energy-efficient communities. Check out our resources for counties below.

The Latest

Guide to State and Local Energy Performance Regulations: Version 3.0

Worldwide, commercial building energy benchmarking and disclosure mandates are becoming more common as policymakers target the building sector in energy and climate protection policies. As such, policymakers are becoming more attuned to building energy performance mandates. These mandates are primarily aimed at existing buildings, which comprise the vast majority of the building stock and present … Continued

Transforming Cities: IMT Resources for Local Governments and Allies

Buildings account for more than 40% of the total energy consumption in the U.S., and addressing their energy use is key to reaching a city’s carbon reduction targets. IMT helps cities engage their building owners, managers, tenants and finance stakeholders in all areas of building efficiency to reduce carbon emissions and bolster local economic development. … Continued

Assessment of Energy Efficiency Achievable from Improved Compliance with U.S. Building Energy Codes

This report presents the results of a state-by-state analysis of the potential energy and cost savings from improving compliance with building energy codes to 100 percent from current levels. The report also examines 45 statewide compliance evaluation studies, providing a summary of evaluation methods and key findings. Evidence in most states indicates that staggering rates … Continued