The Future of Energy Efficiency Financing is Bright
Two programs show what is possible and where the market can follow.
Two programs show what is possible and where the market can follow.
Add a healthy and efficient building to your new year's resolution.
Chambers of commerce and similar organizations are trusted thought leaders and primary connectors to small businesses. They have the power to effectively work with their members as well as key energy efficiency influencers such as utilities, banks, and local governments to ignite greater interest and investment in building performance and secure deeper savings in hard-to-reach … Continued
The City Energy Project methodology is designed to assist medium to large cities in identifying residential and commercial energy code compliance issues and help identify the areas that each jurisdiction should focus on in order to improve their compliance rates. The methodology provides an informal energy code compliance rate that is not intended to be … Continued
According to a 2015 study by IMT, green, also known as “energy-aligned” or “high-performance” leasing can save the U.S. office market $3.3 billion annually and reduce a commercial building’s utility bills up to 22 percent. Knowing the potential savings and benefits that green leasing delivers, IMT and the DC Sustainable Energy Utility (DCSEU) worked together … Continued
7 Easy Steps to an Energy-Efficient Apartment is your guide to simple, energy-saving solutions in your space. IMT created this resource in partnership with the District of Columbia Sustainable Energy Utility (DCSEU).
For decades, mortgage loans have been the primary means of financing residential and commercial building ownership.The lending community’s use of traditional, multi-year loans for both commercial and multifamily properties alike spread costs over a long period to lessen financial burden for buyers, but until recently, building owners who sought a more energy-efficient building needed to … Continued
This report was produced by IMT for the Pacific Coast Collaborative, which sets a cooperative direction in key policy areas of mutual interest among North America’s West Coast jurisdictions including California, Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia.
Updated efficiency finance guides for retailers.
Retail energy projects provide several business benefits like reduced operating expenses, improved budget forecasting, and increased brand value. Moreover, few other retail projects can take advantage of such a broad array of incentives, rebates, and tax credits. In addition to external financing opportunities (documented in this companion External Financing Guide), there are many innovative internal … Continued