As individuals who work and live within a building, tenants are an important part of the building performance equation. Collaborating with tenants to identify opportunities for building energy use improvements is crucial to IMT’s work. Check out our resources below on engaging with tenants.

The Latest

7 Easy Steps to an Energy-Efficient Apartment

7 Easy Steps to an Energy-Efficient Apartment is your guide to simple, energy-saving solutions in your space. IMT created this resource in partnership with the District of Columbia Sustainable Energy Utility (DCSEU).

Guide to Internal Financing for Energy Efficiency in Retail

Retail energy projects provide several business benefits like reduced operating expenses, improved budget forecasting, and increased brand value. Moreover, few other retail projects can take advantage of such a broad array of incentives, rebates, and tax credits. In addition to external financing opportunities (documented in this companion External Financing Guide), there are many innovative internal … Continued

IMT 2016 Annual Report Case Study: Creating Win-Win Solutions

By focusing on the top user of energy in the U.S.—buildings—IMT strives to help people save money, increase property value and make buildings more affordable, drive economic growth, reduce harmful pollution and tackle climate change, and live and work in healthy, resilient cities. Our progress on this work is captured in an interactive 2016 Annual … Continued

Added Value of ENERGY STAR-Labeled Commercial Buildings in the U.S. Market

Download the PDF to view the full sized image of the added value of ENERGY STAR-labeled commercial buildings in the U.S. market. Dozens of statistical studies have proven that commercial tenants, investors, and consumers are willing to pay a premium to lease or buy energy-efficient properties. Even controlling for other factors (like location and size), research … Continued

Catalyzing Efficiency: Unlocking Energy Information and Value in Apartment Buildings

Increasing the energy efficiency of America’s multifamily buildings could save building owners and managers, residents, governments, energy efficiency service providers, and financiers close to $3.4 billion in annual savings. Recognizing this, Catalyzing Efficiency: Unlocking Energy Information and Value in Apartment Buildings explores how governments and energy efficiency implementers could help these stakeholders better analyze and act … Continued

Transforming the Market Through Energy Management Information Systems

To fully unlock building energy savings potential through energy management information systems (EMIS), commercial real estate professionals need better education on what the technology is and how to use it effectively. Today’s EMIS market is saturated with products, leaving potential adopters in a state of confusion about which product would work best for them. This … Continued

Landlord-Tenant Energy Partnership Launches to Unlock Billions of Dollars in Energy Savings

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Katie Weeks, IMT, 202-525-2883, x306 / Caroline Stec, RILA, 703-600-2082 / Stephanie Cegielski, ICSC, 646-728-3572 / Coordinated national effort will empower commercial building landlords and tenants to improve energy efficiency in billions of square feet of leased space and reap up to $5 billion in annual energy savings. … Continued

Deep Retrofit Value (DRV) Green Leasing Tool

IMT and the Rocky Mountain Institute recently developed a Deep Retrofit Value Green Leasing Tool to help both tenants and tenant representatives better estimate the business value of sustainable office spaces beyond energy cost savings. This will help tenants determine how much they might be willing to pay per square foot for a sustainable office … Continued

Green Leasing Questionnaire for Tenants

IMT and the Rocky Mountain Institute created this downloadable questionnaire for commercial tenants to quickly assess the status of a landlord’s sustainable building features and operations currently in place within the premises. The questionnaire will help tenants ensure site performance is in alignment with corporate sustainability goals. Using this tool will assist tenants in estimating … Continued