Why Building Performance Standards Are Gaining Traction
At an invite-only event in Washington, DC, representatives of 14 localities came together in early March to discuss a transformational approach to addressing the carbon crisis in our cities.
At an invite-only event in Washington, DC, representatives of 14 localities came together in early March to discuss a transformational approach to addressing the carbon crisis in our cities.
This brief for policymakers explores why a city should consider offering a high-performance hub to help building owners, designers, contractors, and operators meet city climate and performance goals.
Electrification is a key component of a comprehensive city decarbonization strategy. How can cities use building performance standards to advance electrification?
This document aims to enhance city personnel perspectives on how the real estate industry functions and foster more meaningful conversations with stakeholders.
A quick overview of building performance standards and why they matter for climate.
In the U.S., buildings account for more than 70% of electricity usage and 29% of gas consumption. The math is clear: Climate goals that depend on reducing carbon emissions can only be achieved at scale with significant advancements in building energy efficiency. A new type of policy, a building performance standard (or BPS), is the … Continued
Now is the time to act differently and at a pace at which we have not acted before.
With the Clean Energy Buildings Act, Washington is first state to adopt an existing building performance standard. Last month, Washington State became the first state to adopt an existing building performance standard, putting it at the forefront of all states in addressing energy efficiency in buildings. This blazes a trail that others states are likely … Continued
Learn the differences between DC and New York building performance policies.
NYC’s Climate Mobilization Act is one of the most ambitious actions any city has taken to reduce CO2 emissions. Now the hard work of implementation begins.