More and more building owners are identifying the social and environmental value of investments in energy efficiency and improved energy performance. IMT collaborates with building owners develop business strategies that make energy efficiency a more feasible and effective solution for their spaces.

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5 Steps to Unlock Energy Upgrades in New Markets with Green Leasing

Since moving into Boulder Commons in late 2017, Rocky Mountain Institute’s (RMI’s) net-zero energy (NZE) multi-tenant Class A office in Boulder, Colorado (pictured above), RMI has been working to share lessons learned and increase adoption of advanced green and net-zero energy leases. While innovative efforts such as RMI’s have been raising the ceiling for green leases, … Continued

Small Business Energy Initiative Action Guide

This energy efficiency action guide contains helpful tools, resources, and best practices for chambers of commerce and small business organizations that want to help small businesses reap the immense benefits of higher-performing buildings.

Foster Green Investments: The Virtues of Energy-Efficient Building Upgrades

This article originally appeared in the April 2018 issue of the Scotsman Guide (Commercial Edition).    For commercial property owners, investing in energy efficiency is increasingly moving from a nice-to-have perk to a must-deploy business tool.   As energy costs and estimates of energy use within the United States continue to rise, so, too, will … Continued

Green Leasing Info Sheet

This helpful infosheet from IMT provides a top-line introduction to green or high-performance leasing, as well as IMT’s Green Lease Leaders recognition program.

Empowering Small Businesses: Energy Symposium Report-Out

Chambers of commerce and similar organizations are trusted thought leaders and primary connectors to small businesses. They have the power to effectively work with their members as well as key energy efficiency influencers such as utilities, banks, and local governments to ignite greater interest and investment in building performance and secure deeper savings in hard-to-reach … Continued

How to Choose the Right Energy Management Information System

Energy Management Information Systems (EMIS) consist of a broad set of tools and services that give building owners, facility managers, energy managers, and commercial property management companies the information required to measure, manage, and enhance building performance. When used in alignment with other energy management best practices, EMIS can lower a building’s energy use by … Continued