Across the U.S., cities are implementing building performance reporting laws regarding building energy and water use in commercial and multifamily buildings. These programs generate large quantities of useful data on the energy consumption of a region’s buildings. However, the data is only valuable if it drives smarter business decisions and savings. Cities are leading the charge in turning this data into actionable information, accelerating investment in energy efficiency. Putting Data to Work follows New York City and the District of Columbia on their pathways in doing just that.

The culmination of a three-year project led by the Institute for Market Transformation (IMT), Putting Data to Work examines how, exactly, this data can and is being deployed to reap an array of benefits for cities, energy efficiency service providers, utilities, and building owners. IMT partnered with the District of Columbia Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE) and the New York City Mayor’s Office of Sustainability, as well as their respective partners, the District of Columbia Sustainable Energy Utility (DCSEU) and the NYC Energy Efficiency Corporation (NYCEEC), to examine their pioneering efforts. The resulting toolkit and associated resources will enable other local governments, utilities, and program implementers to replicate DC’s and New York City’s success—engaging the private sector to maximize energy and greenhouse gas savings from their built environments.

This project summary outlines the resources compiled in the toolkit, identifying key takeaways and linking to individual components. For more information, visit

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