The Latest

Sharing Data to Motivate Action

Sharing Data to Motivate Action is intended to help implementers of benchmarking and transparency policies understand the latest techniques for developing energy benchmarking scorecards, also called energy benchmarking profiles, which present energy data to building owners as actionable information to encourage investment in efficiency.

Managing Benchmarking Data Quality

Managing Benchmarking Data Quality was written to help  benchmarking policy implementers understand current best practices for managing data gathered from ordinances in states, counties, and cities across the U.S.

Analyzing Benchmarking Data

Analyzing Benchmarking Data provides useful knowledge on the annual benchmarking reports that many jurisdictions publish to summarize 12 months of reported energy and/or water utility data. It includes discussions of the types of analysis that jurisdictions with benchmarking laws have used to extract valuable information from the benchmarking data and gives examples of how some jurisdictions have calculated and displayed their analytical findings.

Green Leasing Info Sheet

This helpful infosheet from IMT provides a top-line introduction to green or high-performance leasing, as well as IMT’s Green Lease Leaders recognition program.

Putting Data to Work: Project Summary

The culmination of a three-year project led by the Institute for Market Transformation (IMT), Putting Data to Work examines how, exactly, building performance data can and is being deployed to reap an array of benefits for cities, energy efficiency service providers, utilities, and building owners. This project summary outlines the resources compiled in a larger project toolkit, identifying key takeaways and linking to individual components.