What are the Social Priority Briefs?
A video introduction outlining the creative, impactful policy toolkits that drive cities, counties, and states to address complex societal challenges in building performance standards (BPS).
A video introduction outlining the creative, impactful policy toolkits that drive cities, counties, and states to address complex societal challenges in building performance standards (BPS).
This paper explores how new construction energy codes in several sample jurisdictions compare to existing or proposed building performance standard thresholds.
Building Performance Standards are a powerful tool to improve energy efficiency and building performance, and they can advance community-centered, inclusive, equitable policymaking.
This graphic shows how a space built to a more efficient energy code increases comfort and results in lower energy bills for your home and business.
The Code Adoption Toolkit provides information to support adoption of energy efficienct building codes.
Building performance policies can play a big role in carbon reduction, but to be equitable, they must also address housing affordability.
Building performance policies can play a big role in carbon reduction, but these policies should also address equitable climate adaptation solutions.
This map highlights Canadian policies for existing buildings.
This resource provides an overview of TEOP and Green Lease Leaders, highlighting how the two programs can work together to offer a robust roadmap for landlord-tenant energy efficiency achievements.
This report focuses on opportunities to advance equitable decarbonization for non-residential buildings serving low-income and/or communities of color.