Kickstarting Tenant Engagement in Low-Occupancy Buildings
This guide helps building owners and landlords engage tenants to optimize building energy usage while occupancy is low and or buildings are vacant.
This guide helps building owners and landlords engage tenants to optimize building energy usage while occupancy is low and or buildings are vacant.
Advancing sustainability and wellness efforts in the face of this challenging crisis can show strength and leadership while reducing operating costs, increasing building resiliency, and improving indoor health.
IMT’s 2019 Annual Report captures not only the organization’s successes and progress in 2019, but also recaps clear market signals that continue to drive action in buildings today.
This brief for policymakers explores why a city should consider offering a high-performance hub to help building owners, designers, contractors, and operators meet city climate and performance goals.
Electrification is a key component of a comprehensive city decarbonization strategy. How can cities use building performance standards to advance electrification?
This document aims to enhance city personnel perspectives on how the real estate industry functions and foster more meaningful conversations with stakeholders.
In traditional leases, neither the landlord nor the tenant are incentivized to invest in energy efficiency improvements that can lead to high-performance properties that benefit both entities. However, green leases, also known as energy-aligned leases, help to break down barriers. This document consolidates a variety of green lease language options for more efficiently designed and … Continued
In the U.S., buildings account for more than 70% of electricity usage and 29% of gas consumption. The math is clear: Climate goals that depend on reducing carbon emissions can only be achieved at scale with significant advancements in building energy efficiency. A new type of policy, a building performance standard (or BPS), is the … Continued