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Putting Data to Work: How Cities are Using Building Energy Data to Drive Efficiency

Across the U.S., cities are implementing building performance reporting laws regarding building energy and water use in commercial and multifamily buildings. These programs generate large quantities of useful data on the energy consumption of a region’s buildings. However, the data is only valuable if it drives smarter business decisions and savings. Cities are leading the … Continued

Putting Data to Work: Outreach Strategies for Cities and Efficiency Administrators

Sample Scripts and Discussion Questions to Guide Customer Engagement Across the U.S., an increasing number of cities, counties, and states are examining building performance benchmarking and transparency as a critical step in addressing building energy and water use. Energy benchmarking allows for the comparison of a building’s performance to its own historical energy and water … Continued

Empowering Small Businesses: Energy Symposium Report-Out

Chambers of commerce and similar organizations are trusted thought leaders and primary connectors to small businesses. They have the power to effectively work with their members as well as key energy efficiency influencers such as utilities, banks, and local governments to ignite greater interest and investment in building performance and secure deeper savings in hard-to-reach … Continued

Overview of Utility Engagement Issues

This report was produced by IMT for the Pacific Coast Collaborative, which sets a cooperative direction in key policy areas of mutual interest among North America’s West Coast jurisdictions including California, Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia.

Alabama Residential Energy Code Field Study: Baseline Report

The Alabama Residential Energy Code Field Study: Baseline Report identifies opportunities to reduce homeowner utility bills in residential single-family new construction in Alabama by increasing compliance with the state energy code.

Catalyzing Efficiency: Unlocking Energy Information and Value in Apartment Buildings

Increasing the energy efficiency of America’s multifamily buildings could save building owners and managers, residents, governments, energy efficiency service providers, and financiers close to $3.4 billion in annual savings. Recognizing this, Catalyzing Efficiency: Unlocking Energy Information and Value in Apartment Buildings explores how governments and energy efficiency implementers could help these stakeholders better analyze and act … Continued

Transforming the Market Through Energy Management Information Systems

To fully unlock building energy savings potential through energy management information systems (EMIS), commercial real estate professionals need better education on what the technology is and how to use it effectively. Today’s EMIS market is saturated with products, leaving potential adopters in a state of confusion about which product would work best for them. This … Continued

Increasing Tenant Engagement Through Plug Load Management

Plug and process loads (PPLs) consume about one-third of energy in commercial buildings. They can range from electronic devices and kitchen appliances to computers and other equipment that is commonly found in office buildings. These loads are often neglected by property owners seeking to lower utilities, while tenants have the most ability to control this … Continued