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Commercial Lighting Brochure

IMT recently released several brochures explaining how the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) applies to additions, alterations, renovations, and repairs to buildings. Both commercial and residential buildings are covered, as are special focus areas: Commercial Lighting, Residential HVAC, and Residential Insulation & Air Leakage. We encourage builders and building officials to download and share them.

Commercial Buildings Brochure

IMT recently released several brochures explaining how the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) applies to additions, alterations, renovations, and repairs to buildings. Both commercial and residential buildings are covered, as are special focus areas: Commercial Lighting, Residential HVAC, and Residential Insulation & Air Leakage. We encourage builders and building officials to download and share them.

Utilities and Building Energy Codes: Air Quality and Energy Savings Opportunities

Utilities are uniquely positioned to harness the energy savings from improved compliance with codes, yet fewer than 10 states have legislative or regulatory approval to count energy savings from building codes toward energy efficiency resource standards or utility-filed energy efficiency programs. This fact sheet by IMT and the Institute for Electric Efficiency explores the opportunities … Continued

Commercial Energy Policy Toolkit: Submetering

IMT and ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability USA have partnered to create a toolkit of 11 policies and programs that local governments can implement today as part of a of multi-policy approach. The toolkit highlights successful local programs and best practices that governments can use to establish their own policy and program mix, based on local … Continued

Commercial Energy Policy Toolkit: Green Workforce Development

IMT and ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability USA have partnered to create a toolkit of 11 policies and programs that local governments can implement today as part of a of multi-policy approach. The toolkit highlights successful local programs and best practices that governments can use to establish their own policy and program mix, based on local … Continued

Design Professional Accountability Fact Sheet

The model in this fact sheet recognizes that jurisdictions have limited resources and that design professionals are the most appropriate individuals for ensuring their projects are built in compliance with their designs and applicable building codes. Find out more by clicking on the PDF link.

The SAVE Act: Driving Job Creation and Consumer Energy Savings

The Sensible Accounting to Value Energy (SAVE) Act of 2011 is proposed federal legislation which calls for inclusion of energy costs in underwriting for federally financed single-family mortgages. Over time, the SAVE Act would drive growth in energy-efficient home construction and energy efficiency upgrades in existing homes, generating 83,000 jobs and $1.1 billion in consumer … Continued

Commercial Energy Policy Toolkit: Audits & Retro-Commissioning

IMT and ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability USA have partnered to create a toolkit of 11 policies and programs that local governments can implement today as part of a of multi-policy approach. The toolkit highlights successful local programs and best practices that governments can use to establish their own policy and program mix, based on local … Continued

Commercial Energy Policy Toolkit: Cool Roofs

IMT and ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability USA have partnered to create a toolkit of 11 policies and programs that local governments can implement today as part of a of multi-policy approach. The toolkit highlights successful local programs and best practices that governments can use to establish their own policy and program mix, based on local … Continued