April 26, 2013 | IMT, GBPN

Today IMT and the Global Buildings Performance Network (GBPN) released a new report, Comparing Building Energy Performance Measurement.

The paper, by IMT Project Manager David Leipziger, proposes a classification for energy performance systems, analyzing 17 different systems in 10 countries, and clarifies the different meanings and implications behind commonly used terms.

Building energy performance is a measure of efficiency, but diverse measures of performance are used around the world, and they are largely local in application. Overall, there is a lack of understanding of how building energy efficiency compares across markets. In the globalized world, this kind of comparison is increasingly useful for regions to compare building performance and exchange best practices.

The goal of the report is not standardization of systems but rather a standard framework of comparison, a common set of terms and characteristics that can explain any system. This framework will be highly relevant to researchers, real estate companies, and institutional investors.


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