New building policies are only successful if building owners and managers understand and comply with their obligations.
IMT strongly recommends that every jurisdiction that adopts a building performance standard also invest in a high-performance building hub (Hub). Real estate stakeholders—building owners, designers, contractors, tenants, operators, and others—can use a Hub to access compliance guidance, technical assistance, and information on available incentives. The goal of a Hub is to encourage a market shift toward better performing buildings by spotlighting best practices of local market leaders, convening industry to discuss related issues, and aiding those who may not otherwise have the information, expertise, or finances to take action.
What is a Hub?
A Hub delivers customizable best-practice and educational resources that support stakeholder policy compliance and provide cutting edge business tools that help build thriving and inclusive local clean energy markets. A Hub is typically created and managed by a local nonprofit in collaboration with and support from the local jurisdiction and from private-sector partners, but every Hub should beneft from lessons learned elsewhere.
Spotlight Project: Washington, DC’s Building Innovation Hub
Launched by IMT in 2020, the Building Innovation Hub helps building industry professionals in and around Washington, D.C. design, construct, and operate high-performing buildings. DC’s Hub connects building professionals and provides information and education to build and operate high-performing buildings.
Through the Hub, IMT provides resources to help building owners, operators, designers, contractors, and tenants improve their buildings. We highlight market leaders and educate decision makers on rising trends, including regulatory requirements such as DC’s Building Energy Performance Standards (BEPS) and local building codes.
The Building Innovation Hub also help create critical connections and foster relationships that make it easier to improve our buildings while expanding and activating a skilled workforce across the region.
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In recognition of this work, the Hub was named a 2022 Community Leader by the U.S. Green Building Council National Capital Region, a 2021 Partnership for the Planet Award from the American Institute of Architects, and is designated UN International Centre of Excellence for High-Performing Buildings.
Partner Hubs
Improving building energy use is critical to a growing network of partner hubs across the U.S.. This work inspired IMT and Building Energy Exchange (BE-Ex) to found the Building Performance Partnership. Through this partnership, IMT and BE-Ex support the rapid expansion of local Hubs that accelerate measurable, equitable, and sustainable action to improve buildings across the U.S. Participating Hubs are tailored to serve their respective regions with customized resources that cater to the needs of their communities while benefitting from the resources, expertise, and lessons learned of the larger network.