At IMT, we’re dedicated to promoting the adoption of the latest version of the IECC for Residential and Commercial buildings, which is currently the 2021 IECC and ASHRAE 90.1-2019. A variety of resources are available to support adoption at the local level.


State adoption of the IECC/90.1 by version year



Adoption Toolkit


The Code Adoption Toolkit is intended to encourage and support those interested in energy code adoption at any point in the process, whether you are just starting out, creating your plan in order to actively participate, or seeking more information to become an expert. The Toolkit contains a wide variety of resources including white papers, useful templates, and interactive tools.


Download Toolkit Part I

Download Toolkit Part 2

Codes Calculator


The Energy Codes-Carbon Calculator is a tool for cities and states to estimate the energy and carbon savings associated with adopting a more efficient version of the energy code. The calculator takes into account projected building growth and code compliance rates to help create a more accurate savings picture.


Download Calculator