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The Energy Code Voting Process Has Begun. Is Your City Ready? 

The International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) sets the minimum energy efficiency standards for commercial and residential buildings. No matter what town or city you are in, it likely enforces a version of the IECC—most cities and states adopt the IECC as is, or a version that is based on the code. This means updates to … Continued

Why Building Codes Make Our Cities and Communities More Resilient

The number, frequency, and intensity of disasters affecting U.S. cities is growing. From floods and fires to sub-zero cold snaps and extreme heat, it seems like every week we are provided with another example of why communities need more tools to ensure they are more resilient, prepared for weather-related disruptions, and can quickly recover. The … Continued

Small Business Energy Changemakers: Doug Luciani

The Small Business Energy Initiative is led by the Institute for Market Transformation (IMT) and the Greater Cleveland Partnership/Council of Smaller Enterprises (GCP/COSE). With support from the U.S. Department of Energy, the Initiative is partnering with local chambers of commerce and similar small business organizations from five regions across the country to arm them with leading-edge tools, best … Continued

Should I Stay or Should I Go: The Embodied Carbon of Buildings

Improving the efficiency of new and existing buildings is a crucial strategy for cities and states that are charting a path to decrease carbon emissions and meet ambitious climate goals. But what about the materials that are being used to construct and retrofit buildings? Fabricating the materials that comprise buildings—like concrete, steel, and windows—also releases … Continued

How to Make Energy Efficiency Happen: IMT’s Top E-Learning Resources of 2018

Energy efficiency doesn’t just happen. It is made possible by the many building owners, property managers, sustainability and energy managers, architects, designers, retrofit contractors, energy service companies, and too many other types of professionals to name who develop and utilize innovative strategies that transform buildings and spaces so they perform better, save money, and reduce … Continued