Infographic: 10 Ways Energy Code Optimizes Retail Building Savings
Visual explanation of the top 10 ways energy code reduces operating costs for retail buildings.
Visual explanation of the top 10 ways energy code reduces operating costs for retail buildings.
In this Q&A, IMT’s Tara Brown shares how she’s supporting equitable policy work in the cities we call home.
Electrification and clean energy require smart, strategic changes in how we regulate buildings.
Building performance policies can advance social priorities like affordable housing, stakeholder inclusion and equity in energy costs.
This PDF presentation is part of a suite of resources for a Model Building Performance Standard Ordinance, created by the Institute for Market Transformation (IMT).
This document provides a high-level overview of the Institute for Market Transformation’s (IMT) model ordinance for a building performance standard (BPS).
Building performance policies can facilitate economic recovery and climate action with support from commercial real estate.
This map summarizes at a glance which U.S. jurisdictions have passed building performance standards for commercial buildings that require performance improvements in a wide range of buildings over time. It is part of a larger suite of BPS-focused resources, all of which are available at This map will be kept current as jurisdictions pass … Continued
This matrix compares the requirements of building performance standards in U.S. cities and states.
This matrix compares the requirements of commercial building audit, retuning, and retrocommissioning (RCx) policies in U.S. cities and states.