An Unprecedented Opportunity: About IMT
Learn more about how IMT makes ambitious climate and efficiency goals a reality in this new organizational briefing document.
Learn more about how IMT makes ambitious climate and efficiency goals a reality in this new organizational briefing document.
Learn the differences between DC and New York building performance policies.
NYC’s Climate Mobilization Act is one of the most ambitious actions any city has taken to reduce CO2 emissions. Now the hard work of implementation begins.
DC’s clean energy law is the first to meaningfully address existing building performance.
Meeting global climate challenges will require every tool we have. Energy efficiency is many packed into one. Image: From more frequent and intense natural disasters to growing electricity demand and costs, climate-related challenges are on the rise for everyone. Meeting these extraordinary challenges head-on requires an all-hands-on-deck effort to transform our energy future and … Continued
As part one of a new three-part case study series, IMT and DOE’s Better Buildings Alliance are shining a spotlight on 2018’s Green Lease Leaders that are using innovative strategies in their green leases and overall operations.
This helpful infosheet from IMT provides a top-line introduction to green or high-performance leasing, as well as IMT’s Green Lease Leaders recognition program.
CONTACT: Katie Weeks, Communications Director; 202-525-2883, x306 Washington, DC – April 2, 2018 – The Institute for Market Transformation (IMT) is proud to announce that it is a 2018 ENERGY STAR® Partner of the Year for its outstanding efforts in energy efficiency program delivery. IMT’s accomplishments will be recognized by the U.S. Environmental Protection … Continued
IMT Executive Director Cliff Majersik on the new IMT-Sparkfund partnership
Contact: Angela Ferrante, Chief Marketing Officer, Sparkfund, (844) 867-7275 Eugene Hunt, Trevi Communications for Sparkfund, (978) 750-0333 Katie Weeks, Communication Director, IMT, (202) 525-2883, x306 Company will donate one percent of “We Are Still In” technology subscription projects to fund climate action. Washington, DC – March 22, 2018 – Sparkfund announced today … Continued