A Caucus for High-Performance Buildings
A group of lawmakers brings energy efficiency to the forefront of policy debate.
A group of lawmakers brings energy efficiency to the forefront of policy debate.
Enter now to win IMT's Excellence in Energy Code Compliance Award.
The city publishes a rulemaking for its benchmarking law.
In the future, buildings will make sustainable choices before we even think about them.
Integrating sustainable design into museums is the ultimate teaching tool.
We need new office space, so it's time to practice what we preach…
Energy efficiency is the single most powerful tool…
Best practices for improving energy code compliance in renovations, alterations, and additions to existing buildings.
Technology can be used to streamline the plan review and inspection process and improve code enforcement. See our fact sheet for strategies, challenges, and success stories.
In order to receive American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funding, states had to guarantee that buildings would achieve 90 percent compliance with target energy codes by 2017. Subsequently, states have started to develop plans on how to measure and track code compliance. See the fact sheet for an outline of best practices for conducting a … Continued