DC Building Code Updates for Building Professionals
Quick summaries of DC energy code changes to help architects, engineers, and owners
Quick summaries of DC energy code changes to help architects, engineers, and owners
Energy Management Information Systems (EMIS) consist of a broad set of tools and services that give building owners, facility managers, energy managers, and commercial property management companies the information required to measure, manage, and enhance building performance. When used in alignment with other energy management best practices, EMIS can lower a building’s energy use by … Continued
According to a 2015 study by IMT, green, also known as “energy-aligned” or “high-performance” leasing can save the U.S. office market $3.3 billion annually and reduce a commercial building’s utility bills up to 22 percent. Knowing the potential savings and benefits that green leasing delivers, IMT and the DC Sustainable Energy Utility (DCSEU) worked together … Continued
Many of today’s businesses have realized the value of promoting sustainable operational practices. They know that exercising good environmental stewardship also makes long-term economic sense. In fact, an Accenture survey of 1,000 CEOs found that 93 percent see sustainability as important to the future success of their businesses. The top reasons to go green were … Continued
Moving a business to a new location provides a clean slate to explore sustainable design solutions that offer a host of benefits. For a business leader, it’s important to align a company’s economic, environmental, and social goals—an energy-efficient office space can help achieve this. As businesses think about moving to new space, it’s important to … Continued
Will guide building owners, managers through benchmarking in Portfolio Manager.