Energy Efficiency as a Climate Solution
Energy efficiency is a cheap climate change solution that comes with many benefits, including job creation and compatibility with other key solutions.
Energy efficiency is a cheap climate change solution that comes with many benefits, including job creation and compatibility with other key solutions.
This proposal was approved by the Residential Energy Committee at the Dallas Committee Action Hearings in April. Contact your mayor or city manager or county leadership and ask them to send representatives to the International Codes Council’s meeting in Atlantic City this October where the 2015 code will be considered—and vote for our groundbreaking proposal—“proposal RE188-13, … Continued
Energy efficiency is the single most powerful tool…
There is tremendous potential to achieve energy and greenhouse gas reductions in the U.S. building stock. Today, U.S. policymakers are turning their attention to existing buildings, where opportunities for greater energy efficiency are abundant but fraught with barriers that continue to severely impede progress. This paper examines how mandatory rating and disclosure policies can help … Continued